Usilujeme o proměnu magistrály v kvalitní městskou třídu od roku 2010
We approached leading figures in Prague’s social life with an offer to become patrons of the transformation of the North-South highway on the edge of the urban boulevard. Their opinions and support is greatly appreciated.
Richard Biegel – Historian and Theorist of Architecture, Managing Director of the Club for Old Prague
Eva Jiřičná – Professor, Architect
Petr Konvalinka – Professor, former Rector of the Czech Technical University: “I would like to contribute to the cultivation of the public spaces in Prague, especially the Magistrála conjunction. It’s an opportunity to build this main conjunction into a cultivated metropolitan area, which is not only the highway, but becomes a city boulevard for the third millennium.”
Petr Kratochvíl – Professor, Historian, and Theorist of Architecture
Ladislav Lábus – Professor, Architect, and former Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at CTU
Regina Loukotová – Master of the school ARCHIP: “In this context, I was reminded of the book The Man Who Planted Trees by Jean Giono, published in 1953. The author says about his work, ‘The goal was to make trees likable, or more specifically, make planting trees likable.’ Here’s to making trees more likeable to bring nature back to city life.”
Josef Pleskot – Architect: “North-South Magistrála Conjunction = Main Prague Boulevard. Its quality is not in its transport capacity, but in its social potential. Its width dimension is not twenty (which is average), but at least one hundred and twenty meters (appropriate for public space). From Pankráce to Holešovice, it lies in a valuable connection with the built and natural icons of Prague. Its route is fascinating, and it has the capacity to gather all future Prague and national public buildings. The street has the opportunity to offer Prague a generous, and developed wide area in the center and hallmark of the capital.”