From a bottom-up initiative to a city-supported project
Discover how we’re transforming Prague Magistrala – our unwanted legacy from 20th century planning – into a magnificent boulevard, envisioning a vibrant place where the pulse of the city meets the heartbeat of community life. Join us on this exciting journey towards a future where urban highways aren’t just roads but thriving hubs of activity, connection, and possibility!
Crossing the Sokolská Street (2010)
Rolling out the red carpet through the crossing, in cooperation with Tomas Džadoň, symbolized prioritizing pedestrians over cars. The pedestrian crosswalk at I.P. Pavlova is busy most of the day, but it only gives pedestrians 6 seconds to cross and cars 60 seconds. Every other day the cops give fines for non-compliant pedestrians while crossing.
Project Converging Territories (2010-2011)

Architectural studios Elastik and MAT from the Netherlands are part of this international project (Prague – Dublin – Paris) and have called for cooperation to improve highway conditions. Their studies became the basis for opening up the debate for “urbanizing” the North-South conjunction.
Prague Highway Vision (2011)

The exhibition dedicated to the history of Prague’s North-South Magistrála conjunction was connected with informal discussions between the citizens and the Department of the Development of the City of Prague (Today’s Institute for Planning and Development).
Negotiations with the City (2011)

We initiated the first joint meeting of politicians and professionals from the municipality and city districts. These experts were invited to discuss the topic of transforming the highway.
The initiative for the humanization of the highway between neighborhoods Prague 2, Prague 4, and Prague 7 (2012)

This picture shows the document in which the first district agreed on joint steps leading to the transformation of the highway.
Road Map (2014)
Initial study outlining the gradual transformation of the Magistrala.
Initiative for the Humanisation of the Magistrala “Plan for short-term measures by 2014”
Open Stage I.P. Pavlova (2013)

This two-week public gathering transformed the current side parking lot into a meeting place and a stage for performances, Prague cultural initiatives, and citizens. We tested whether one of the most exclusive squares, Vinohrady, can again become a lively place. The event attracted 96,000 visitors for 14 days, and, with only small budget, turned a part of the intersection into active public space. The project involved about 100 volunteers and included more than 40 different activities. Open Stage I.P. Pavlova won an honorable mention at the Grand Prix of Architects 2014 in the category of Urbanism.
The First Tree on the Magistrála (2015)

London Plane (Platanus hispanica) was planted at the corner of Boženy Němcové / Legerova: One month and one day after the opening of the Blanka Tunnel on October 20, 2015, International Tree Day, we decided to continue our transformation efforts on the North-South Magistrála Conjunction by planting its first tree, which became the nucleus of the Prague alleys lining the Magistrála.
Air – Motion – Sound at I.P. Pavlova Square (June 15th, 2017)
This one-day event was collaborated with intermediate artist Michael Kindernay. Under the title Air – Motion – Sound, we prepared a series of activities for the I.P. Pavlova Square. The purpose of the event was to discuss with the citizens of Prague, who are passing through the area every day, the possibilities of improving the I.P. Pavlova Square and its transformation away from a busy intersection. At the same time, we wanted to inform the public about the movement of people, air pollution, and noise present in one of Prague’s most frequented places. The source of all of the information was measured with digital instruments, which we processed into a comprehensible form and communicated with the public through a series of postcards and small artistic and social activities.
I.P. Pavlova Square is the most polluted place in the Czech Republic, with up to 80 µg CO2/m3. Levels above 30 µg CO2/m3 affect children’s psychological development and increase respiratory diseases.

White linens were hung out of windows around the I. P. Pavlova Square. The linens, which were dirty due to air pollution, were flaunted by models prepared by Jitka Pospíšilová. Every half an hour the models were shown for 6 seconds, or the length of time pedestrians have to cross the busy crosswalk.
Through I.P. Pavlova, 80,000 cars pass daily, and 100,000 pedestrians cross, with no one lingering longer than necessary.

Movment Illustrator Zuzana Bramborová captured the movement of people on the Magistrála directly on the I.P. Pavlova Square.
The noise level recorded at I.P. Pavlova Square reached 74 dB, while the hygienic noise limit for outdoor areas near main roads is set at a max. of 60 dB.
Sound maps:

Michal Kindernay created a visual sound map of the city’s driving paths. It shows a visual representation of the sound throughout the Magistála. On the streets Sokolská and Legerova, it was not a quest for silence, but rather the recognition of the unbearable noise of a traffic junction in the middle of the city.
Relax on the Magistrála:

At the event, pedestrians had the chance to immerse themselves in the silence that the square has the potential for. Special headphones also transformed the noise of busy cars into music that the pedestrians could listen to while they enjoyed the picnic under the trees.
Harp on the Magistrála:

The picnic was accompanied by harp performer Kateřina Zochová. She started playing at 3:30pm.
Public Support:

During the event, we asked pedestrians passing by to give their opinion on the project at hand. They were asked whether they agreed with the project,disliked the project, or did not care about the project. Pedestrians were also asked to include suggestions on a separate board to further gain public opinions.
The Vision of Prague Magistrala (2019)

Student projects in collaboration with École Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris.
Revitalization I.P.Pavlova (2022)

In 2022, a project for the revitalization of the public space within a segment of the I.P. Pavlova intersection was developed. The pedestrian areas were expanded, a pedestrian corridor was created with a connection to the entrance to the metro station, an avenue of trees was planted, urban furniture was added and the levels of the adjacent roadways were modified. The project was completed in 2023. The authors of the revitalization are TaK Architects.
3 studies for the future of Magistrala (2023)
Prague City Council members have approved a trio of studies that will help set the direction for the future development and improvement of the north-south magistrala between the Vltava River and Prague’s main railway station.
Together with agps architecture studio (Zurich) we are the authors of on of these studies.
Magistrala – The New Prague Boulevard (2023)

Our study for the future of Magistrala: A project for the progressive transformation of the North-South Artery into a boulevard, coupled with the activation of places beneath and around the Magistrala.
SEVEROJÍŽNÍ MAGISTRÁLA A PARK TĚŠNOV – presentation of the project